Solitude V1 - Nuclear Winter


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 10

I have found sugar canes, at last! It has been miles of painful searching over this endless wasteland. But, I have found them.

Day 11

I ran into another lost wanderer. One I had run into a few days ago. He decided to join up with me, as we start the construction of our fort.

Day 12

Thief! We have been stripped of our sugar cane supplies. Luckily, I had kept one in my bag just incase of such. I saw the thief, myself. though, I had tried to negotiate peace, he did not listen. I was about to catch up to my target, and stab him in the back, when he seemingly vanished into thin air. There was nothing. He was gone.


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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Day 7.

"Walking ever since, Nothing new. I heard the Radio broadcast saying some stuff, It was too static to be understood for my Pip-boy 3000. Signal cut short after a few moments. Meh, This day sucked..."

Day 8.

"I walked on again, Found nothing and it was starting to get a bit darker. Then a hit in the back, It was ShadowOfGods. I was so happy! He told me about a certain place... We walked on to see GmK near a frozen pond. We asked him if he was good on supplies, He said he was ok and wished us a good day. As we walked off I turned around and saw him fly away; Damn Wacky Wasteland tumor..."

Day 9.

"The radiation got to me, I fainted and before I did I told Shadow to move on and not wait for me. He went on and we parted ways because when I woke up I was alone. I ran on and on 'till I decided to go back to my home. There was a hole in my home and the dropped resources were still spinning. I hope that whatever blew that hole didn't kill somone in here, I would feel guilty; and guilt is the worst thing to have now."

Day 10.

"Stupid house, It's getting creepy around here and I don't feel safe here... I decide to walk on and be alone again. I keep walking past the magical frozen lakes and the big trees! Again that damn Radio broadcast being static... Mentioned something about radio stationes being damaged, Ugh..."

Day 11.

"I found some sort of tree with light inside, I went up but it was empty. I waited and waited untill I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw three people. My heart sank when I saw them in armor and swords untill one of them took of their helmets; It was Duffie! The Radio broadcast again, Now it was clear and it mentioned something about us being trespassers of China and how about we would be shot, Is this a memory? Wasn't it bombed yet? I am confused but atleast I am safe now..."


Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
Day 1
What the hell happened? I woke up cold, confused and alone wondering where I am, and how in Notch's name I got here. I have no choice but venture across this desolate, unforgiving landscape on foot searching for others. If I am to survive this will need to be soon, I don't seem to remember how to craft even the simplest of things. Uh oh it is turning night, I have made a temporary platform on a tree out the range of these terrible things, but it protects me not from the radiation or the cold, which may very well be the cause of my downfall. I hope I make it through the night...



The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 10

I have found sugar canes, at last! It has been miles of painful searching over this endless wasteland. But, I have found them.

Day 11

I ran into another lost wanderer. One I had run into a few days ago. He decided to join up with me, as we start the construction of our fort.

Day 12

Thief! We have been stripped of our sugar cane supplies. Luckily, I had kept one in my bag just incase of such. I saw the thief, myself. though, I had tried to negotiate peace, he did not listen. I was about to catch up to my target, and stab him in the back, when he seemingly vanished into thin air. There was nothing. He was gone.
heh he I wonder who did it :p
jk not me I died D: stupid creeper making me run away then fall right next to Jolt and dyin from fall damage (lol he didn't see me though I guess)


Aug 6, 2011
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As you wander across the cold plains, you happen across a small pile of moved earth - as if something were buried there. You check around to see if it is a trap but it appears safe. You scroll through your inventory to your gold spade (blingin') and dig, whereupon you uncover a body still clutching a book. You take the book from the corpses' grasp and brush off the dirt, opening the cover you begin to read...

Super_Spark's Diary
(No girls allowed)

I have no memory of how I happened into this place, I just remember waking up. Everything ached as I felt radiation slowly seeping into me. I had to stop it, I remember hearing in the news that sugar could help cure some radiation poisoning so decided that was my priority. But there was a problem, night was already falling. I hacked away frantically at a tree and dived into a cave. I could hear what was going on outside, madness.. screaming...voices... I shut my eyes and fell into a restless sleep.

Day One - Five

I have spent the past five days continuing the hunt for the elusive sugarcane. I am close to believing that it is now an extinct species, only existing in the camps of survivors or rogue warrior bands - and I know better than to approach them - I do not wish to die yet! I met a man named Malacath on my travels, he seemed nice. He offered me some bread, and spoke of a safe haven for survivors which he was searching for - asked if I would accompany him, but I declined. I told him I was searching for sugarcane (Truth be told, I noticed some rotting flesh in his hands and worried that he might be one of those cannibals!)

My search continued for many days, and I trekked to the very ends of the earth, the only hope I have found is an Island base with a radio Tower. It seems deserted, so I have taken shelter here for the night. As I write this, the sun is setting on Day Five... and still no Sugar. I can only hope that the next five days brings some salvation...

As you finish reading the first Diary Extract, you hear a voice from behind the bushes. Startled - you close the book and run for the safety of your shelter.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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EDIT: Iggy is my hero, will make log in a few minutes
I've spawned in day time, atop a tree. Curious world this time around.
Well, I suppose without the need of wheat I should grab some apples from the tree.
A spider chases me into my 1x2 house and I wait for day when I black out for a server crash...
Duffie, Otter12, Dirtcake, and I have all started a currently very small town named: IceCove.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day One :
I awoke in a forest clearing, I managed to punch some trees and made my way to a cliff face where I made my base. The first couple of nights were hard but I made it and established a nice mine. I have plenty of supplies due to there being a tonne of apple tree's around, I'll never go hungry again.

Day Eighteen : I stood on my roof looking for survivors when my Pick-Boy picked up a message "You are trespassers in the United Republic of China." The first thing I thought was.. What? The next thing I knew I was being attacked by two people with funny eyes, Oh no, the Chinese! They are hitting me, ouch, OUCH, Dead.



lmao i have a title
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
One fucking asshole fully griefed my whole base, going ask if that is even allowed. and if it is, I am going stop with solitude so hard.
Obviously Solitude isn't for you.
It's to get the more basses hardcore people to bring their badassery over so they don't overwhelm regular playerbase.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Log: I have awoken to find my small base of operations destroyed and all my supplies taken...
It is dark in here... I cannot seem to find much left besides a note, floating on the wind...
The Shadow Master...
Who is this Shadow Master...? Is he following me?.....
If you find this note. Beware of him. If you do not...... Des-----
*The log ends mysteriously*
Oh and some discussion... Does anyone else think this Solitude is a "bit" easier than the first one without the radiation and such?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Log: I have awoken to find my small base of operations destroyed and all my supplies taken...
It is dark in here... I cannot seem to find much left besides a note, floating on the wind...
The Shadow Master...
Who is this Shadow Master...?
If you find this note. Beware of him. If you do not......
*end of log*
Oh and some discussion... Does anyone else think this Solitude is a "bit" easier than the first one without the radiation and such?
/me is aware

Also, Yes I think it is to. But I havent find any civilisation yet =(


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
/me is aware

Also, Yes I think it is to. But I havent find any civilisation yet =(
There is a simple reason for this, so we can start easy and progress difficulty, remember a lot of people haven't played solitude before, ultra hard badass mode may not suit people straight away, it is just a precautionary measure to let people know what they are in for.

Well, unless Iggy is toying with us... :p


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
There is a simple reason for this, so we can start easy and progress difficulty, remember a lot of people haven't played solitude before, ultra hard badass mode may not suit people straight away, it is just a precautionary measure to let people know what they are in for.

Well, unless Iggy is toying with us... :p
Yeah, true. But It is still fun knowing that if you die you can't come back.
But sometimes I just feel to lonely, And then I start talking to myself spamming the IRC =]


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 12.

I'm safe now, that's certain but I don't know for how long. As far as I can see, The people that allowed me in here aren't staying; and I am starting to feel lonely again.

Day 13.

I was right, Not a single soul here after a night of resting, Haven't heard that Radio broadcast but then again, I haven't exactly heard anything lately or seen anything lately. Still bothers me, Chinese people apparenently killing trespasser.

Day 14.

I have decided to move out again and before I did, I saw a sign. I forgot what it said but I do remember that when I looked at it, my thoughts were : "This world is ripping itself a new asshole". The sign said something about raids and wanting peace, Isn't peace normal in this world?

Day 15.

Moved outside and when I didn't move too far away, Maybe 10 or 100 meters, I saw a castle of some sort. When I looked at the front, It said "Stay here and listen for a while" but I didn't hear anything. I went inside and saw the floor was torn apart, Don't know what it was that did it but I don't want to find out anytime soon.
