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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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After Blob had vanquished the warriors very quickly, Darth sighed.
"A bit anti-climatic, but it got the job done."

Then, when the warriors reappeared and started attacking, Darth appeared almost gleeful.
He reached out his arm, and a neutralizer came flying towards him from the grasp of a warrior.
He quickly pulled out his blade and sliced the neutralizer in half as it reached him.
Turning toward where Blinx was, he saw a warrior leap at him, and saw Blinx dodge and grab the neutralizer from that man's belt as well.

Without so much as a second thought, Darth threw his saber in a blinding arc which decapitated the warrior attacking Blinx. As it returned to his hand, he quickly spun and sliced another warrior through at his torso, stomping on that one's neutralizer and destroying it in the process.


Aug 6, 2011
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[You guys started a fight scene without me? D:]
As ducked behind a pair of barrels outside the tavern. Shoot, he thought, since they took my sword I have no way of defending myself... He peered up over the barrels when he heard a voice from behind "You now I have!" His heart nearly stopped as he turned around and saw one of the men about to slice him open. As the man swung Refresh covered his eyes with one hand and grabbed the sword as it swung towards him. They both stood there in shock as they looked at Refresh's hand grasping the wrong side of the sword. Instinctively, he let go of the sword, even though he felt no pain from it. Looking back up at the man, Refresh quickly kicked him sending him backwards into another building, nearly leveling it.
What was... I don't... what? He thought to himself as he stared at his cut hand that was strangely not bleeding. Why am I not dead right now?! He turned around and looked back at the fight going on past the barrels then he slowly sat back down to try and figured out what just happened.What's going on, I feel no pain from this gash in my hand that was nearly cut off, what's happening to me? I feel dizzy... He then passed out, knocking the barrels down in the process.


As the fighting continues in Shizuka, begins for a young boy , who has been caught in the midst of the fighting. He lies on the ground, covering his dying father who is flowing blood across the town's street. He is inches away from death.
Lạy Cha!!!!
Không!!!Cha tôi không chết!!!
Lạy Cha!!!!
Lạy Cha!!!Em cần anh!!!!
Đừng chết!!!!
Đừng để lại cho tôi!!!!

No! Father don't die!


Father! I need you!

Don't die!

Please don't leave me!
.....Fighting continues....


((Well yes, but Blinx happens to have been responsible for their entire villages destruction (Even though he was ignorant of the situation) But yeah, the warriors are pretty distraught anyways, so they hope killing Blinx will perhaps quell their sorrow. Perhaps you may propose a peaceful solution to the fighting, as these guys are not going to give up, for the sake of their families honor. ))


Aug 14, 2011
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[Just think I should throw this out: That was the first time any sort of story actually touched my heart. That's the kind of things that sometimes needs to be in books. The effect on both sides. Carry on with your decisions. I'll just say that I never actually killed anyone so far (in this battle, at least), so I'm not guilty there.]
After seeing that boy, Blinx made sure to handle the warriors with care, dodging every attack and grabbing every neutralizer he could get to. As of then, about fifteen neutralizers have been disabled.

As Blinx went for the next warrior, he noticed that the warrior had the perfect solution: the record time controls. As he disabled the neutralizer, he pickpocketed the warrior of his record time control, and while nobody was looking, Blinx used it. Blinx's copy ran around, looking like an idiot, while the actual Blinx hid in a trash can in an alleyway.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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"Durwin I know we are close but, why did we run off how will they find us?" Balloon looked worried as he had realized a grave mistake they just made. "Not to mention Defiant, Darth, and Refresh have no idea who Blinx OR Amek are. Plus, knowing Darth and Defiant they aren't too nice with strangers or would be happy with a talking cat."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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With a force push, Darth sent the warrior who had slashed at Refresh hurtling into the wall of the tavern.
Turning back to the rest of the battle, he noticed a young boy nearby sobbing in his own language.

While parrying the blows from two warriors, he began thinking to himself.
"I'll bet that the young boy is that man's son"

Ducking a particularly vicious swipe, Darth's thought then continued.
"I should do him a favor, and put him out of his misery"

Making up his mind to do so, Darth took a step back, then took a quick step forward again. Catching the two men by surprise, he grabs one by the collar of his mail and pulls him into his waiting fist. Grabbing the limp body of the now-unconscious man, he throws it at the other warrior, knocking him down.

Taking three quick steps over towards the downed warrior and his son, Darth reignites his blade and brings it around in a brilliant crimson blur. Before plunging it into the man's chest, Darth reconsiders for a brief moment.


Aug 14, 2011
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My plan isn't working, Blinx thought. I'll need to get as much attention as I can for this. I only got two records from the man.
Blinx shouted at the top of his lungs and managed to get a large amount of the warrior's attention. As Blinx used record, they all went for the copy. Perfect, thought Blinx. Immediately after a warrior got a blow on the copy, it vanished, as if it were illusion. The warriors, thinking this was what happened when time control cats died, yelled in victory. Blinx quickly hid into a trash can, where he saw the entire thing lay out.


Aug 14, 2011
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The Stranger exists the room of the Aztec Teleporter and steps outside to join Duffie and Travis on the walkway. The bright sun causes him to squint as he leaves the confines of the room, but is relieved as the ship passes through a light cloud.
"Travis, what is our current location?"​
(( StoryMaster ))​


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Darth stood over the fallen warrior, his blade raised for the killing blow. He paused for a moment, then made up his mind all of a sudden.

"KILL HIM!" a voice in his head shouted.
"BUT WHY?" another yelled.

Making up his mind, Darth reached to his belt with his left hand, and unclipped a small packet and tossed it to the young boy .
"Use this, you might still save him." he ordered briefly.

Turning back to the fight, he saw the rest of the warriors cheer as they killed what appeared to be Blinx.

As they continued to fight after this, Darth sighed.
"Persistent buggers, aren't they." he muttered. "I hope this is worth it. I'd hate having to kill them all."