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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin laughed,

"'Supposed' to be? No no no, I am a wizard, you'd best remember that if you think to steal from us. Although what we have isn't technically ours... We've kind of got a Robin Hood deal going on. You know, steal from the rich, that army, and give to the poor, us. Hmm that thought process sounded better in my head, anyway, no we aren't bandits in the sense that we steal for malicious intent or personal gain."


Oct 8, 2011
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"Yes they can be quite a bother, but not tonight however. Go rest, you look tired. I'll make sure you're safe an sound for the morning interrogation." Durwin chuckled.

[Legitimately going to sleep now, anyone who want's to take next watch just say that I woke you up and continue on. Truth be told I was kinda hoping for DK to show up too... hint hint :p]


Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
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Amek nodded and laid down on the soft grass, thinking about what Durwin said.

"I'll make sure you're safe an sound for the morning interrogation."

These group of people seemed nice though. He thought to himself. I can't blame them for being suspicious though. I am an assassin after all...

After that, Amek quickly went to sleep, dozing off in less than 10 minutes.



The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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"Wake us if there is big trouble okay?" Balloon said as he finally laid down and went to sleep. But then he awoke to the sound of yells and he could see Durwin looking too. What's going on? Everyone else is still asleep though wonder if I should wake them up... Naw. Balloon got up and could see it was the soldiers they all had gotten up and of course were drinking and singing again.


Aug 7, 2011
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Luigi muttered as Mario and Peach hugged and she is saved yet again.
"This better be the last time Princess," He said "I'm tired of always cleaning up you and Mario's mess! Every single day for the last year has gone like this. You get captured and somehow I'm dragged along in these wild escapades, and do I get any acknowledgement for it? No, Mario, good ol' effin Mario does! So do me a favor and lock yourself up in a tower forever so that you can never get in trouble again and I can live my life in peace!"

Princess Peach gasped and covered her mouth in shock.

"How dare you talk to Peach like that!" Shouted Mario "You will treat her with respect!"

"Well excuse me that I'm a bit tired after saving her for the 15th time!" Retaliated Luigi "Unless you give me a good reason walk away and never see you two again"

"I understand" said Peach, both Mario and Luigi now boiling with anger "I can't help the situations I get in, but since Bowser is no finally dead, I have a gift for you: one wish, anything you desire."

Mario looked surprised, as did Luigi.

"A wish"
"Yes, anything you desire"
"Anything? Are you sure?"
Tears were welling up in Luigi's eyes and after a long silence he finally said "thank you princess"
"What is your wish Luigi?"
"I wish to be away from the mushroom kingdom forever and live my own life. I wish to live in a world where I can be happy and not live in the constant shadow of my brother. Better yet I want to be more powerful than Mario ever was"

"It will be difficult, but not impossible." She said "I have the gift of the stars and I can only grant so much. But nevertheless, your wish has been granted"

Luigi suddenly felt queasy as the whole world suddenly blurred and disappeared, only to be replaced with an entirely different world filled with detail and endless mystery.

"You are now more powerful than ever." Peach said in a dreamlike state "You can harness the power of the fire flower, ice flower and all types of mushrooms at will. However, this will exert much energy and can only be used for a short while. You can discover the extend of your powers by yourself" She paused then said "Is this the wish you wanted"

Without hesitation Luigi said "Yes, thank you so much"

Peach smiled and then disappeared and Luigi was left alone in this whole new mysterious world...


Aug 6, 2011
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(( BurnyBurn ))

((Just a small simple game I wanted to try out with the people who actually want to try.
Basically, this is a roleplaying game. It's quite simple, because you don't need to apply!
You will be using your current Minecraft skin, and considering we can't really tell what your avatar is without looking it up, we'll need a picture of your skin. In-game or via skin creator, please. :p
Oh, and if you want to speak OoC (Out of Character), please add (()) or [] around what you say OoC.
Use the following site to get your skin;

Just replace Duffie with your minecraft username, copy the picture of your skin, then place it on your post.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Refresh looked up from playing with the eager dog, "Wait, you found someone? Where are they so I can tear them limb for limb" he said with rage in his eyes.
[What kind of reaction is that? xD For all you know, I could have found a survivor, and now you want to tear them apart? :S]
"Woah now. No need to get all mad. What if I'd found a survivor? Anyways, this guy named Aghul came out of nowhere saying he was the voice of Herobrine. I'd have killed him had it not been only an apparition." Blob suddenly heard the trots of horses and a foreign language.

[Also, a note for everyone. Right now, the story right now isn't quite believable. Everyone seems to be helping out of the goodness of their hearts, which wouldn't actually happen. I myself have the motivation of money which I believe is in the End as well as avenging the barkeep. So, could everyone choose a motivation and incorporate it? ]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[Also, a note for everyone. Right now, the story right now isn't quite believable. Everyone seems to be helping out of the goodness of their hearts, which wouldn't actually happen. I myself have the motivation of money which I believe is in the End as well as avenging the barkeep. So, could everyone choose a motivation and incorporate it? ]
[I've got a motive, but it's still semi-secret, and has only been briefly hinted at. Let if suffice to say that Darth isn't just helping out of the goodness of his heart.]

Darth tossed the watch at Blob.
"Know either of these people?" he said gruffly. "I found this chronometer lying in the rubble in the streets."

Hearing horses outside, he took a step over to a hole in the wall and looked out.

"Great...more strangers." he thought.


As The Stranger places the gold holograph projector on the ground, and an image of a tall cowboy appears. The image is so clear, it is almost like he is actually there. Even for a bounty hunter, he appears to have a kind and warm face. He speaks in a heavy Texan drawl.
"Have you managed to get the girl yet, pardner?"


Aug 14, 2011
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The Stranger lets out a sigh, and begins sliding his hand along his beard scruff, slightly anxious to hear his boss's reply.

"No, I haven't. I'm waiting for the opportunity that won't result in getting me killed. They're well equipped, plus some are skillfully trained in the ways of magic. Dealing with these people is going to be tricky. Why do we even want this girl anyway? She seems pretty normal."

((Yes Blob, this is what I planned :p ))


Oct 8, 2011
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[My motivation is that fact that I like LIVING] [I'm assuming I'm still on first watch?]
Durwin lifted Duffie's arm and looked at the dirt underneath. Durwin shrugged his shoulder,
"That's a shame... Ohh, nature's a calling!" Durwin went off into the trees after he said,

"I'll be right back," To the sleeping bodies.


"You best get a move on feller, if ya keep followin' them, they'll steer you off a cliff. It's about time to take action blondie, our client is impatient."


Aug 14, 2011
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As Durwin said "I'll be right back," Blinx woke up with a small yawn. Feeling tired, he tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't.
"Well, I probably will need some time crystals for later," Blinx whispered to himself. Blinx made sure to cover his tracks with leaves so he wouldn't lead to the death of the group if caught. While scavenging, Blinx got two rewinds, one slow, and one more pause.
"This'll do," thought Blinx. "Now, to make my way back to camp."
Blinx made his way back to base. Once again, he covered up his tracks. As Durwin just left, Blinx decided to take a temporary watch.