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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 14, 2011
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"Will do Travis, but you still need to tell me who exactly our client is."

*Hears the crack of a stick*

The Stranger whispers frantically "I think someones comin'! Time to go!"

The Stranger kicks down on the projector with the flat of his boot, turning it off, and picks it up quickly, almost dropping it. He lays down on his back underneath a tree. He pulls the brim of his hat down, and pretends as if he were sleeping. He rests his right hand near his gun holster.

((Available for interaction!))


Aug 14, 2011
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Getting somewhat impatient, Blinx decided to follow Durwin to where he went. With him nowhere to be found, Blinx wandered off, remembering where he came from. Knowing that time will automatically rewind itself for every life he loses, he knows the consequences of what he does. While wandering, he sees a man whisper to himself, pick up a sort of projector, and fakes being asleep. Blinx stays back slightly, picks up some trash with his sweeper, and approaches the strange man.

"Who are you?" Blinx said with force.


Oct 8, 2011
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As Durwin was walking into the forest to tend to nature's call, he tripped over some roots,

"Wah! Uhff.. Son of a.. great my robe is snagged!" Durwin lit a tiny flame in the palm of his hand so he could see. He found him self looking upon a sleeping man.

"Well, well, seems the night just wants more people to come to us. Alright up ya go!" The sleeping man floated into the air, bringing Durwin's robe with it.

"No where is it caug, ahh there we go! Just around gun holster. Alright lets get you back to camp where it's safe." Durwin trudged along back toward the camp and when he got there he saw Blinx up.

"You still afraid to go to sleep? I guess I can understand it, first Amek and now this guy. I can take over with the watch, but you can stay up if ya like."


Aug 6, 2011
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[What kind of reaction is that? xD For all you know, I could have found a survivor, and now you want to tear them apart? :S]
[Also, a note for everyone. Right now, the story right now isn't quite believable. Everyone seems to be helping out of the goodness of their hearts, which wouldn't actually happen. I myself have the motivation of money which I believe is in the End as well as avenging the barkeep. So, could everyone choose a motivation and incorporate it? ]
[Funny you'd say that as I was incorporating my motive back when I arrived at my house. Anywho, you'll see why I got hot-headed if you didn't catch the reason earlier.]
[Also, gonna add some text between Defiant's and Darth's posts to further explain my story.]

"Woah now. No need to get all mad. What if I'd found a survivor? Anyways, this guy named Aghul came out of nowhere saying he was the voice of Herobrine. I'd have killed him had it not been only an apparition." Defiant said as Refresh calmed a little. "Sorry, I know it's a little bit of a jump to the gun, but when I got to my house, I found this," Refresh said holding the suitcase with the missing items up. "Not only are some essentials missing, they took something from me, something important, and I need it back." he said looking down, "Assuming everyone vanished, I figured the only one to take it would be someone living, that's why I was hoping you'd found a person." Refresh looked up at the sound of horses outside. Darth tossed a watch over to Defiant.
"Know either of these people?" he said gruffly. "I found this chronometer lying in the rubble in the streets." He then moved to the wall and looked outside to check what the commotion was.

[That's should clear some confusion up, I hope.]


Oct 8, 2011
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"Sure I guess that would be alright, I still need to go do what I was gonna do earlier though. I be back soon." Durwin walked out into the trees once again. He moved out quite some distance, far away from their camp.


Aug 14, 2011
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As Blinx reaches for his gun, The Stranger gives him a swift kick to the chest, making him fall onto the ground. His eyes quickly dart over to the sleeping Duffie.

He pulls from his pocket a turquoise orb, partially covered in an intricate design of gold. It features detailed Mesoamerican carvings of two eagles, which face each other. Between the two beaks of the Eagles is an emerald button.

He quickly sprints over to where Duffie is lying down, and picks Duffie up from around the waist, jolting Duffie awake. Before Blinx can react, he pushes the button hastily with his free hand and a jarring tugging sensation is felt to both of them, as they are stripped from the realm...

They slam onto a deck of wood. Looking up, The Stranger is faced by three men, one of which is Travis Elliot. Travis is very pleased to see him and the girl have arrived safely.