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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 14, 2011
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Travis sticks his chin out after he was slapped by Durwin, his face begins to redden with anger. After a long pause however, John's face begins returning to normal. He lowers his head and puts his hand in his pocket, reaching for something...

"My sunshine has long been dying before any of this began."

John removes from his pocket a silver locket, opening it up, he shows Durwin a picture of a girl.

"My daughter, Julia, is at her death bed, and she has been living in it all her life. She suffers from a disease that has made her bed-ridden since she was born 6 years ago. I've tried doctors, mages, random green visitors from other planets. I've left no stone un-turned in my pursuit of saving her. A few months ago, I discovered a private hospital in a city called Los Angeles that could help treat her, and perhaps cure her for life. This hospital however, is very expensive. My wife has pleaded and pleaded with them to make an exception, and give Julia a fighting chance while she still has one. But they need the money now. That is why I needed to find a way to pay for this treatment. This is my daughter's only chance.

I've received word from my wife that she is ailing and paler than she has ever been. Any day she could pass away.

I want her to ride a horse, feel the sun, and heck, even allow her to make a young boy's life by kissing him on the cheek. Life so far has not allowed her to do those things. I still have a hope that she will be able to experience them.

Do you still wish to prevent me leaving? If so, I'd suggest you go tell my daughter why she will die."


Oct 8, 2011
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[I love you DK.. 1/2 homo.]

Durwin's eyes teared up and flowed over,

"I know what it's like to lose a child and know you couldn't have done anything to save her." Durwin stared off a little,

"Maybe this is how I repay them..." His eyes lit up and a smile broke across his face,

"I can save her."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Oh, Durwin, that reminds me." Blob pulled a gem out of his pocket. "I found this on me after I returned to normal. It multiplies a mages spell ten fold without using your energy. I figure you could use it on his daughter. It only works once, so don't think you can use it on just any spell." He tossed the gem to Durwin, and it began to glow with an unusual radiance when it fell into his hand. "Also, there's some other catches, by I'll explain that when you're ready to heal his daughter."


"Well I don't know how we could contact them, except if they had one of our communicators, which they don't. I don't see how we will be able to-------"​
A guard rumbles over towards the group.​
"Hey man, we got one of dem inta-realm phones hangin' on da wall ova der! Just make sure to be real nice to tha directory lady, she can be real beatchey. Say the numba LOOOOOOOUUUDD and cleeeer!"​
The guard points to where the phone is hanging.​


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked at Defiant and tossed the gem back,

"Great! Too bad I'm not a mage... otherwise I could use it. It won't matter." Durwin took the phone and dialed the number. It rang for a bit. Then a lady answered,

"Hello this is the Saints Cross Hospital how may I be of asisstance?"

"Yes I'm looking for a patient by the name of Julia?"

"Julia who, sir?" Durwin mouthed to John,

"What's her last name?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth stood there, as the two men compared their sad stories of loss.
He said nothing, except clenched his fists tightly at the words " couldn't have done anything to save her" and kept them like that until Durwin spoke up.

"I can save her." Durwin said.

As the guard came over while complaining about the directory lady at the other end, Darth listened.

He stood and watched as Durwin picked up the phone.

"I sure hope this doesn't turn out badly." he thought.


Oct 8, 2011
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A muffled,

"Hello?" Was heard from the phone. Durwin picked it back up and said,

"Uhh yeah, Julia Blackwater."

"Mmmk.. and you are, sir?"

"I'm her uncle."

"Right, your name sir?" Durwin mouthed to John,

"What's the uncle's name?"


Oct 8, 2011
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The muffle voice returned,

"Look sir, if you-"

"I'm David Blackwater!"

"Mmhmm, well it says here on file that she doesn't have an uncle sooo, if you would pleas-"

"Look, I've been on active duty for quite some time now, and I just got married to her dad's sister. I heard about her condition and I know of a way to cure her. Please if you would let me talk to the head of your hospital that would be great."

"You were just asking for her a minute ago"

"Yes, I was making sure I had the right hospital."

"Well... you sound pretty desperate... I'll patch you through now."

"Thank you so much." There was a silent pause before the hold music kicked in. John started to tap his foot to the beat. A man picked up,

"Hello, this is the Director of this hospital, how may I help you... David?"

"Yes you have a patient by the name of Julia. I know her condition and I can save her. I just need you to bring her-"

"Wow, wow, now. She is deathly ill, I can't just take her out of the hospital." Durwin sighed,

"Fine, then I need you to give me clearance into her room, and I need the immediate area cleared of people. I should be there within a day."

"Right, and why should I trust you?"

"Because my family just so happens to be rich, and willing to donate much money to your hospital."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, and I'll prove it to you when I get there. However, if my conditions are not met, then by the power of whatever false deity you praise, I will reign destruction far and wide to get to this young girl." The menace in his voice must have scared the Director witless because he didn't respond for some time.

"Y-y-y-es sir. I-I'll make sure e-e-everything is how it should. You will be pleased."


"What time will you be showing up?"

"When I get there." Durwin hung up the phone and turned back to the group,

"Now I must go make preparations. I probably won't be back until later tomorrow. Stay safe." He walked over to Duffie and handed her another portal orb.

"This should allow for a quick trip back. When you feel a tug that's not caused by anything and seems to come from within you, break the orb." Durwin turned and left the throne room and continued on outside. He rushed back to Mickie's shop. When he entered, he yelled,

"Mickie!? You got one of those weather machines still?" A shuffling and then a loud crash and a curse came from the back.

"Durwin back again? It's never fer tea with ya is it? Ya I still got one... older model so it'll be kinda loud... why? I thought ya had the sun problem under control what with the contacts coming in. Don't tell me that the le-"

"Hush," Durwin said cutting him off.

"Get it primed, I feel a storm coming in."

[Alright heading to bed now, will continue this in the morning so get some dialogue in before he gets back.]


Oct 8, 2011
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[Durwin=/=Mage? What? Yes you are... You use magic, therefore you are Mage.]
(( He could be a Sorcerer. :p ))
[Wrong and wrong. Durwin is a wizard. Completely different. For the sake of this story, Mages focus on more additive types of magic, changing what is there into something else, or adding something on to something else. Kinda like alchemy but better. Sorcerers focus on more subtractive magics, taking what is there and making it not there, making it disappear from existence. Wizards control both, but because they do their magic is completely different from any of the above two, and therefore that scroll wouldn't work. Even if it did, the two magics coincide with one another in balance, using just a mage scroll would throw the whole thing out of balance and the magic would collapse on itself with devastating consequences. Of course he has barriers to this sort of thing so he wouldn't get too gravely hurt but the surrounding terrain would.]