Alright, I was going to claim yesterday once that inn-search was going around, but I held back as I was hoping that more players were going to talk, but sadly std and tim came around and ended up hammering it before that happened
(I probably shouldn't have voted until later if I wanted that to happen too since I also wanted some answers from digi but oh well ;-
But seeing as ender claimed as well as the input from Sam, I feel like this is a good time, and I hope its okay that I'm outing people like this: at the moment I believe its LYLO should there actually be 5 Mafia; we still have a chance or 2 to mess up should it be lower than that, but who knows right now.
I am 'Keeper Klyde' - This games Innkeeper.
The reason most nights take
forever is due to the fact that inns only operate during night hours (which is information we already know about); longer night periods provide more time for inn-mates to discuss the days events, give feedback to one another, and whatnot.
...Sadly, it does not seem the inns have really talked much at all really or made any real plans or did ANYTHING really
(I'm looking at you Damp Attic Saloon, where NOBODY TALKS BUT ENDERSTEVE for the past few nights D:<)
Anyways, as I was saying...
The reason I am outing myself now instead of way back when is 1)I didn't want to make the same mistake as Fruit last game where telling everyone about the inns basically ruined a bunch of plans (though by that point the inn-theory was able to be concocted and we were able to pinpoint 1 Mafia per inn); 2)77 already released information about the inns, and with that, there was no real point in me revealing myself unless I found critical information; and 3) Now is a good time with more role claims, such as ender's.
(And for another proof being innkeeper besides the one about endersteve, during Night 4 inn-talks, STD claimed Timdood3 would be his FoS)
The inns work as you probably imagine: 3 inns (that I know of, which is why I don't know why players were talking about a
fourth inn) are laid out: The Small, Crappy Saloon; the Damp Attic Saloon; and the Smallest, Crappiest Saloon, which open up for discussion each night (except the night where 77 used his ability to party). Each inn is composed of 4 players: their alignments, we do not know of, just like always.
With the death of the innkeeper, all nightly chats are essentially ended (similar to what was said last game).
With all the necessities out of the way, let me give my reasons on why I feel GmK is a poor choice and where I feel all of our suspicions should be pointed to
(and again, apologies of outing you players).
There WAS a reason I made my "inn-theory" opposing the "1 Mafia per inn" mentality I created earlier, which Jeer promptly rebutted despite not seeing it was simply a "bad" (it was an excuse at the time) "theory" or knowing the reasons behind it.
I was
hoping someone would pick up on some of the truth behind it, but nevermind that.
The reason for that theory is this: we have, or at least, from my inn-chat watching (and something
I BELIEVE IN; should you not believe this then go ahead and lynch, but in my opinion, or at least, in my heart I
want to trust it though yesterday's actions have somewhat rocked that opinion badly) is that we simply have
3 cops.
That is the main "truth" I had held at the time I made the "inn-theory"; 3 cops and 1 blue:
NOT A COINCIDENCE imo which is why I said "the inns CAN'T be random this game or have the 1Mafiaperinn theory as the inns have had in the past. Though the rest of my theory was indeed, simply speculation on my part, what I stated above is simply what I believe in.
Here is the completed inn-list up to this point:
The Small Crappy Saloon
Fiestaguy - Tumbleweed Thomas (Vanilla Villager) Dead
+GmK - claimed
rolecop inside inn awhile ago.
Jivvi - Sheriff Shane (Cop) Dead
Ooglie101 - Sheriff Steve (Cop) Dead
The Damp Attic Saloon
+endersteve5 - Newspaper Nick (claiming Journalist/town)
Jeercrul - Forgetful Flyod Dead
+storm886 - Extraterrestrial Ex (claiming Alien/third-party w/Swate as possible affiliate)
Swate - Unknown Dead
The Smallest Crappiest Saloon
+77_is_the_best - Name??? (claiming party host role/town I believe)
+cooliorules - "Tumbleweed Timothy" (Claiming "blue" inside inns near the start of the game)
+Samlen - "Tumbleweed Travis" (Claimed "blue" last night in inns after asking coolio what her role-name was.)
Sploorky/std1997 - Bloody Blake Dead
Not in a Saloon(alive):
+JKangaroo - Keeper Klyde (claiming innkeeper)
+Digitalmez - Abhorrent Adam (claims town)
+Timdood3 - No claim
+Ansoro2112 - No claim
+Hypeburst - No claim
Now, again, where you believe any of these claims or not, that is left up to you, and I will let the players whom I have outed explain themselves as I cannot (again, sorry).
And if you want to believe the 1 Mafia per inn story, then very well, I will not stop you, but I believe otherwise.
Anyways, I will continue my "inn-theory" here:
I personally believe that the first inn is correct, or at least, can be trusted. 3 cops, 1 civ. Strange.
Now there are certain options you can take from here:
- Believe in the 1 Mafia per inn theory - GmK, Swate (which I guess is the one most believe in at the point), and someone in final inn are Mafia, including any possible ones outside of the inns
- Believe in the claims of each inn, signifying that there may not have even been any Mafia in each inn (with swate being an unknown) and that all Mafia would be outside the inns. This would mean, should you trust all of the present roles as being not-Mafia(including third party) 20 -12 players would leave us with 8. We take away Notty, Duffie, and Oak who were not in inns as well leaving us with 5. Should you believe me and digi's role claims (we are also not in inns), it leaves us with 3 players: Hype, Ansoro, and Tim.
- Some inns have Mafia/third-party, some don't. (possible, seems unlikely). Ex: the "Damp Attic Saloon" so far is the only saloon to have a confirmed third-party, and another claiming to be third-party as well as 2 claims to be town (Endersteve and Swate). All other saloons seem to be pro-town in terms of roles. Damp Attic Saloon therefore could be filled with anti-town or third-party (like Ender could use journalist as a cover for informant; storm could actually be Mafia, etc etc). This matters more on speculation and where your suspicions lay.
- Some other theory, something or other that I can't think of right now.
At the moment, I am currently inclined to believe the 2nd theory (again why I said I felt the Mafia were hiding in plain sight/hiding well enough to avoid being turned against), but that may change with the input of other players.
I am still skeptical about believing there are 2 blues (coolio and Sam) in the last inn however, and I do I have doubt GmK after what happened yesterday since I thought he had investigated std and thats why he was voting for him but I don't actually know about that; and I have some other suspicions elsewhere, but because I'm terrible at making assumptions with so much information that may or may not be true... I don't even know if they're actually suspicious or I'm just making myself think that.
Again, sorry for outing players, but I feel like it was needed to for us to get a more educated guess at who to lynch this day, and that, for the time being, I want to trust GmK (going against ender's vote) and whatnot.
I'll leave responses and explanations to those players I outed and those still alive.