Okay, I went back to look over whatever logs I got from Priz on the chats in the inns, and I have a couple of suspicions going on.
This is my first observation I noticed while going back over past discussions in the chats: back on day 1, virtually all of the inns (except the Small, Crappy Saloon; aka GmK's saloon which just had a random mini-Mafia that Fiesta talked about a long time ago) basically stated, or at least assumed to some degree,
that there had to be a Mafia in one of their rooms.
Ender was one of those that said there is a "
pretty real possibility" that one of the members of his inn was a Mafia, or apart of the Mafia. This, in my opinion, is understandable, as it is an
However, since I personally do not believe in the 1 Mafia per inn theory, I found the 2nd example of this to be a bit strange.
77 is the other example that day, when he also came up with the spokesperson-idea. He also stated a version of the 1 Mafia per inn theory, however, this one stood out more to me.
It went along the lines of:
"Also someone in here is Mafia as usual so keep soft and hard claims to a minimum"
This frankly, struck me as odd, as it feels like 77
knows there is a Mafia in his inn; his statement I feel can be assumed as an "exact" sentence, which basically means that "it must be this scenario, there is no other options..." or something along those lines (it's hard to explain).
This is at least, how I'm viewing the sentence as. It may be looking to much into things that aren't really there, but I still think it feels strange even with him being partyhost.
It might be small or insignificant, but that is what stood out to me at first.
My 2nd observation involves the Cursed tome.
Ever since Ooglie claimed to have received it, I don't believe anyone else has claimed to have received one besides endersteve earlier?:
And on a somewhat unrelated, but mention-worthy note, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I received the Cursed Tome this Night. I guess we'll see if it really delays results if I survive this night.
I know GmK received the tome from Ooglie back when he first revealed it in the thread and that Ooglie could only pass it to someone in his inn:
Two nights ago after performing my night action I was informed that I received a Cursed Tome (the two events are not connected) and that I could hand it to another person... in my inn.
Now ?(<-GmK who was in the same inn) is currently holding the Cursed Tome...
Thread pg 42; post #1030
And that GmK didn't pass it back since the party occurred... but GmK did you pass the tome to Ooglie the night he died? Or do you still have the tome on you and there's a 2nd tome with ender?
I know you discussed it briefly with Ooglie before he died that night, but as far as I can tell you said you would be willing to keep a hold of the book, but seeing as Ooglie could only pass it to players inside the same inn, I can only assume there are either
~Note: I had the rest of my theory here but I cut it out of my post since I want to wait for GmK's response to that question before I actually post it, so when I do post it please excuse the weirdness of how it sounds; its supposed to be a continuation of what I was saying in this post so it probably has a lot of past-tense/whatever. Danke~