The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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That what you quoted was me and Jivvi talking about wether the Roleplay name and Rolename were actual evidence or not. Considering that was the entire conversation of yesterday, I don't see how it is suspicious if I don't want to continue talking about it. I mean, Nitasu is dead. We've stated the argument tons of times now. Do you really want me to keep talking about it? If you want to see why I voted nitasu go re-read it. It was the discussion of yesterday as I stated and I am not going to keep repeating the answer.
If the discussion of yesterday is irrelevant why are you interrogating the no-lynchers of Day 0?


Nov 29, 2011
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Also, Notty, I find it odd that you aren't really attacking me any more either, but rather Ltin (another person with similar doubts to myself and Sploorky). This leads me to think that you are targeting players that are slightly less well equipped to defend themselves against a full assault of suspicion. This would also explain you ignoring Sploorky and JK and instead tunneling me for my logic.
I dont really see where notty was attacking you when reading back? It's mostly Ltin, there was suggesting to lynch the people who voted NL on day 0, but you didnt get focused on out of the 3 people who were in that list.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Also, Notty, I find it odd that you aren't really attacking me any more either, but rather Ltin (another person with similar doubts to myself and Sploorky). This leads me to think that you are targeting players that are slightly less well equipped to defend themselves against a full assault of suspicion. This would also explain you ignoring Sploorky and JK and instead tunneling me for my logic.
I haven't really attacked you yet. I usually point out mistakes/suspicious things. Considering you three haven't really done anything of that I can't attack you x)

If the discussion of yesterday is irrelevant why are you interrogating the no-lynchers of Day 0?
It's not irrelevant, but there is no need to keep repeating the same arguments. Everybody already stated why the argument was good and why it was bad. I'm not gonna repeat the arguments and then Ltin calls me suspicious for not wanting to talk about the same arguments over and over again.

Sure, you can bring it up and call me suspicious for voting Nita. But theres no real need to argue again wether rolenames and roleplay characters are relevant or not. I mean, Nitasu is dead. There is no other case right now where that argument is needed.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Hm. I'm going to make an assumption, that with a town-sided watcher, there is also a town-sided tracker. This does not mean it is true, but it is likely, and knowing that the two roles often go together, I'm going to take an educated guess and say that this game, they do. As such, @std1997, consider yourself still untrustworthy in my eyes, but due to the fact there has been no cc's, I will not attempt to lynch you today. Timdood's clear has to be taken with a grain of salt, because I don't believe role claims until there are real backings to them.

@Jivvi I read it over, and you're right in what you say. I don't view you suspicious for doubting the cop claim, believing any claim that is given to you in a closed setup game is a very bad idea. As such, I would have natural suspicion on those who jump on Jivvi for this, but not me, eg @Alpha102 who has not said anything about the fact I(or JKangaroo apperently, but I won't speak for him) agree that the cop claim can not be fully trusted.
I guess I ignored your post saying you're not comfortable with Tim and std because it was logical from my perspective. You didn't go and undermine Tim and std, but you voiced your suspicion that it may not be the truth.

I voiced my suspicion of Jivvi because of the Epicmafia argument he brought up (about tim playing epicmafia wheras epicmafia usually has cop out day one) containing a fallacy: -Tim was assumed to be part of a group, therefore Tim acts like the group does.-

In addition, he accused Tim of outing at a convenient time, just when std was looking to be in trouble. Since I've played Cop before, I've done the exact same thing Tim did with moderately successful results.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Timdood's clear has to be taken with a grain of salt, because I don't believe role claims until there are real backings to them.
What would you call real backings?

Std claimed to have tracked Fiesta and Me where both of us showed up as Non-visiting. And both me and Fiesta have stated that he was right. So that sort of proves Std. [Okay, I do see a point in "why would you say it if you did visit someone"]

And Tim inno'd me and Std. And because I know he's right is why I believe him.

I can see where you're coming from, since all you have to go on is if me and Std are speaking the truth. But what else is there to prove us/him?


Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
What would you call real backings?

Std claimed to have tracked Fiesta and Me where both of us showed up as Non-visiting. And both me and Fiesta have stated that he was right. So that sort of proves Std. [Okay, I do see a point in "why would you say it if you did visit someone"]

And Tim inno'd me and Std. And because I know he's right is why I believe him.

I can see where you're coming from, since all you have to go on is if me and Std are speaking the truth. But what else is there to prove us/him?
Honestly, one of you would have to die to prove the others innocent, or catch a mafia. Else you could all be a group that's backing each other up, something illogical in my opinion, but not entirely out of the question.

I'm not suggesting we lynch one of you to prove the others right or wrong of course, the only thing that stands by unarguable logic is that std was right in saying fiesta, who I'm very much assuming is a town PR because who's heard of a mafia sided heavy sleeper, but that doesn't prove that std is a town sided tracker.


Jul 2, 2012
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Alright, so. Notty is really standing out to me right now. Her evidence is very sketchy.

The whole name thing, I don't think a member of an Assassin's Guild would roleplay as an assassin. I know I did vote for nitasu yesterday, but that was for other reasons I stated and this thought had not occured to me yet. I actually was about to vote for std before the modkill, due to some very good evidence from JK, but I can't prove that in anyway, so believe me or don't.

And this whole voting pattern thing is also still sketchy. Although Notty might have some evidence against Ltin, the whole push on Ltin (Jivvi/Priz) was the voting. She found one flaw in the wording of Ltin's posts and pounced on him.

Also, if we lynch Notty, we can discover if Timdood is telling the truth or not. (Also I've noticed that Notty and Tim have posted a lot of similar stuff, usually timdood directly following notty's ideas or vice versa. Seem to be working together as if they know for a fact they are on the same side.)

And therefore, (sorry notty love you <3)

Vote NottyKitten


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Concerning the legitamacy of my cop claim: I can understand why a few of you might be skeptical, as I've come up with only innocent report thusfar, and I didn't want to out, but I had to in order to save innocent lives. It's likely I'll only get one more report (assuming a doctor saves me so I can sharethe results). With the game going the way it is, I can't really see town winning, but I'll be damned if I don't try to get us to break this losing streak.

Also, I understand how Notty, std and I could look like a team, because in a sense we are: We're all town. We're all playing for the same result, so we're going to want the same general events.

So let's look at this: There was one kill yesterday (but no deaths, I still want an explanation from Digi), and two killing factions that (assumption incoming) want the town dead. Notty claimed bulletproof. There was a trend of Experienced players getting hit. Notty is an experienced player.

(Now, I have to be fair and consider all opinions. The following is not my account or opinion, simply calling it out before I get called out for ignoring it.)
"But, Tim! The mafia(/assassins) could have just not shot to make it look like Notty was telling the truth about the BP claim!" Yes, that's a possibility, but then explain how std came into the equation? Std is quite clearly a tracker, have you ever seen a mafia tracker?

"Std can't be tracker because he's contact!" If Notty was a contact would he have dared to be a little Notty and claim cop, instead of me? I mean, std's surely been playing longer than I have, he should be able to handle the situation much better. Hell, if there are experienced players in the mafia, why would I be involved in this scheme at all?

"They made you claim cop because they can instruct every step of the way!" Now about that, I'm fairly certain mafia chat can be used during the nighttime, so that's straight out rediculous. @GmK, could you confirm or deny whether Mafia chat can only be used at night?

That's pretty much every point I could consider about the situation, please tag me or something if I missed a scenario (as I do love hypothetical scenarios if you couldn't tell). Besides, this post is getting pretty long....I feel like I'm JKangaroo x3

TL;DR: Go back and read it, It's important!


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, so. Notty is really standing out to me right now. Her evidence is very sketchy.

The whole name thing, I don't think a member of an Assassin's Guild would roleplay as an assassin. I know I did vote for nitasu yesterday, but that was for other reasons I stated and this thought had not occured to me yet. I actually was about to vote for std before the modkill, due to some very good evidence from JK, but I can't prove that in anyway, so believe me or don't.

And this whole voting pattern thing is also still sketchy. Although Notty might have some evidence against Ltin, the whole push on Ltin (Jivvi/Priz) was the voting. She found one flaw in the wording of Ltin's posts and pounced on him.

Also, if we lynch Notty, we can discover if Timdood is telling the truth or not. (Also I've noticed that Notty and Tim have posted a lot of similar stuff, usually timdood directly following notty's ideas or vice versa. Seem to be working together as if they know for a fact they are on the same side.)

And therefore, (sorry notty love you <3)

Vote NottyKitten
Ok, as for the name thing, unfortunate coincidence.

And we do know for a fact that we're on the same side! Std too.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Also, if we lynch Notty, we can discover if Timdood is telling the truth or not. (Also I've noticed that Notty and Tim have posted a lot of similar stuff, usually timdood directly following notty's ideas or vice versa. Seem to be working together as if they know for a fact they are on the same side.)

And therefore, (sorry notty love you <3)
Tim inno'd me and thus knows I am on the towns side. And I have been looking at Tim, and he played it pretty good. He claimed to have investigated Std night 1 and during Day 1 he tried to defend Std alot. If he were mafia, I don't think he'd be thinking that far ahead to defend Std on Day 1 to then later be "forced" to claim cop. I think he genuinly defended Std because he knew he was innocent because of his result. And because he did that I completely trust his cop claim.

And ofcourse he also inno'd me =3

You had your fun now remove your vote <3


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
I would remove my vote, and I'm not 100% saying Tim isn't the cop, or that std isn't mafia, but you, you seem to be taking advantage of you be inno'd.

Perhaps taking advantage of isn't the best wording, but that what comes to mind.

What I'm saying, is that you seem to be making several posts with your name in that green, and when people go back and read this, they will forget about you possibly being third party.

I know this is not the best proof, but my gut is just screaming notty is anti town.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I would remove my vote, and I'm not 100% saying Tim isn't the cop, or that std isn't mafia, but you, you seem to be taking advantage of you be inno'd.

Perhaps taking advantage of isn't the best wording, but that what comes to mind.

What I'm saying, is that you seem to be making several posts with your name in that green, and when people go back and read this, they will forget about you possibly being third party.

I know this is not the best proof, but my gut is just screaming notty is anti town.
Heh, I would do this any day every day.

I have to say, nice find =3. But I would do it wether I am Mafia, Third Party or Town.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
It's okay Alpha; you can critic my strategy :p.

I can't stand it when people put tl;dr:go read it. It is super annoying. Just don't include it if you're going to say that.

Tim, good job on the investigating.

Ain't nobody gonna touch my notty!

vote xXxFruitNinjaxXx
I put the tl;dr go read it to make the point that it should be read thouroughly xd