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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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[Hate to see Shizuka go, but not willing to bring in ten thousand troops to defend it. Seems a bit unfair. Of course, if you think it is fair, then by all means let me know]
[Well it's not like we can stay in town forever, right? Since Defiant brought up Herobrine might as well have it go out with a bang.]

"How did you get so many without him finding out... I think that mask does more than you know. Herobrine himself was cursed and so the Pearls could never appear to him. But he also gained the balance to the curse, the ability to know when and where one appears. The fact that you have so many can only mea- oh no. What if he was using you Darth? Using you to gain a large supply of them. With two portals he could gain more than enough power from the other side and cast this land into darkness." Durwin paced, eyes dark blue.
"This fort that Balloon mentioned would seem to be a our best bet for the moment. Everyone ready to leave this moment?" Durwin turned to Balloon,
"My name is Durwin Drauka by the way."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[Hah, I hope that this will end happily, but that depends on who joins/leaves and how they change the story!]
[I know, just getting nostalgic already, wanting to return to the beginning at the end. x) Enough from me, we need more interactions.]

Darth looked around the room. Durwin stood there, ready. Balloon still was there, leaning against a wall.
Duffie wasn't awake yet. Or was she...he was unsure. She looked restless, but she hadn't joined in the conversation.
And Blob was still looking a bit dazed.

"What do you propose we do with these...pearls? I've killed many endermen for them. Made use of their teleportation abilities to save my life several times." Darth thought for a moment. "Am I the one who has brought Herobrine here? It may very well be...I propose we seek out some more companions before leaving."

"I've still to talk to that young man yet" thought Darth.

"Hold on to these pearls. I'll go retrieve the rest of my items."
With a wave of Darth's hand, the door opens on its own and he walks out.


Oct 8, 2011
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Darth looked around the room. Durwin stood there said:
Or was she...he was unsure. She looked restless, but she hadn't joined in the conversation.[/I]
[Well It's kind of hard for her to reply when she's not online. lol]
"Balloon you should go get your stuff as well. We will leave once everyone is gathered. I'll stay here with Defiant as this girl... I wonder if she'll be able to help.... Ahh! She awakens!"


Aug 6, 2011
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Marnix looks around him to see something familair.
But no, still lost and it is so cold outside.
It is already dark outside, I should find a place to stay at.
And I walk here alone, in a town I have never been.
I actually never had nostalgia, but now I feel my homekey deep in my pocket.
Marnix is still walking around till he sees the light of the tavern.
Then I walk in the tavern, order a beer and drinks it.
The beer did not forget his nostalgia, but made it even worse.
Marnix dropped a tear and blacked out on the table in the middle of the tavern.


Aug 6, 2011
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[Sheesh, you guys. I can't post while I'm sleeping or at school. :p]​
Duffie, with her eyes closed, sits up from the bed, facing the group of people in her room. As she opens her eyes, she stares blindly at the group of men.

"Hi!" one guy says as she continued to stare.

Suddenly, she wiped her eyes, looked again, then finally jumped.



Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin made a move to calm her before she did anything rash.
"You fell asleep in my room, I didn't feel it would be right to move you so you just slept there the whole time. Now that I think about it, it does kinda sound weird... But now that you're awake we can get to the introductions!" He holds out his hand for her to shake.
"The name is Durwin Drauka. This dazed looking fellow on the floor is Defiant. So far there are three others that have joined us. Darth, Balloon, and Diago. We will need to be heading off as quickly as we can for a Fort nearby... I'm sorry to say this so soon after you have woken up but... the town's about to be destroyed. Can you handle a weapon?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Herobrine will destroy the town, he says. Herobrine wants the pearls, he says. Why was I left alone when I had so many of them then, I wonder..." Darth muttered to himself.

He did not have many things, just a dozen or so precious stones, along with food and other needed supplies.
"Could still use more." he lamented. "Too late for that now. I'll not give up on saving Shizuka, however." he says determinedly.

Shouldering his light pack, Darth leaves his lodgings and sprints back to the tavern, opening the front door with a BANG.
"The door slamming seems to have partially awakened this stranger." noticed Darth.
"Pardon me, my good hippo. I apologize for the noise. But because of this *Darth shows him Durwin's poster*, I must hurry. If you wish to help, follow me."
Darth runs back up the stairs, taking two at each stride. He arrives outside the door, and pauses for a moment.


Oct 8, 2011
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"Yes this is a lot to take in.... Where do I start... Long ago a man sought riches and power beyond anything the land had see thus far. This man was Herobrine. In his fevered searched he found old texts and scripts hinting at objects that could bring his ambitions into reality. On his travels he mistakenly crossed a witch and treated her none too kindly. She cursed him preventing Herobrine from obtaining the one thing he wanted most. Enderpearls. But curses work in odd ways... through the loss of the ability to gain Enderpearls he gained the ability to know when and where they appeared. He continued his search gaining allies and reaping destruction upon the land, all the while hoarding the Pearls as he found them. This was a millennia ago. The great powers of back then knew he had to be stopped and called together a group of young adventurers from vastly different backgrounds. Together they succeeded in stopping Herobrine one Pearl short and cut off the gateway that allowed Enderpearls to appear in this land. Until recently. Defiant had just slain an Enderman when I had entered this establishment and an Enderpearl had come into being. Later that night he was attacked by Herobrine himself using bandits. Thankfully I had switched the Pearl with a fake before Herobrine could get his hands on it, and that Defiant hadn't been killed. Apparently Darth had also be collecting pearls, but not for malevolent reasons. Whether Defiant or Darth is to blame for Herobrine's presence is of little importance for the fact still remains that he is here and your beloved town will be the first to fall. How he broke free of the bond that bound him I do not know, but I suspect it has something to do with the Enderpearls coming again. So here we are, probably the only ones that have a chance to stop Herobrine once again, and we need everyone that we can gather. Can you help us? Or will you stay here? Be warned; running is not an option."


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie continued to stare at Durwin as he explained what has happened and will happen, and as Durwin finished his speech, she continued to stare at him until he asked "Can you help us? Or will you stay here? Be warned; running is not an option."

She sighed, standing up from her bed, shrugging her shoulders.

"I was only asking why you were in here, but I might as well."

She stretched her arms and fixed her back and neck, then looked straight back into Durwin's eyes.

"So..." she said, "Is that all?"

[Duffie is giving the bad girl vibe right now, apparently. :p

Anyways, I do believe Duffie, my character, was questioning you because of how fast you were talking as she was half asleep. :p]


Oct 8, 2011
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[doh! well I tend to take things literally.. too literally. I guess I could change the post if need be.]
Eyes darkening from a lighter green to an orange, Durwin replied,
"Yes, I suppose that is "all". Thank you for agreeing to help us. Now we just need to wait for the others and we'll be on our way. Do you need anything? Or are you ready to leave as is?"


Aug 6, 2011
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[doh! well I tend to take things literally.. too literally. I guess I could change the post if need be.]"
((No need, I already replied to it. :p))

Duffie looks around for her pack, retrieving it and putting it on her back.

"Well, I think I've got everything, but I still feel slightly dazed... Oh, wait a sec..."

She takes her pack back off, grabbing a bucket of water, scooping some water with her hands, then splashing it on her face. She sweeps back some water onto her hair, fixing it from being rugged during her sleep. She returns the bucket back into her pack, returns the pack to her back, then stands up, stretching again.

"Ah, that was refreshing! ... Sorry for giving you guys the cold shoulder--- What were your names again?"


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin mutters to himself,
"I hope I'm not gonna regret this." When Duffie gives him a questioning look he says,
"I'm Durwin Drauka, this here on the floor is Defiant. We have three others with us. Darth, Diago, and Balloon. We were just waiting for them to get back when you woke up!"


Aug 6, 2011
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She held her hands behind her back, pacing in her little section of the room. She stopped pacing, faced toward Durwin, then raised her left hand as it released her pointer finger up into the air.

"... I do believe I was given this room by the barkeep. I asked if I could rent a room, and he sent me to the first door on the left. If I had known this room had already been taken, I wouldn't have slept here. It didn't look like it was occupied."


Oct 8, 2011
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"Hmm that's exactly what he told me... I guess he could hav-" Durwin's eyes go a lustrous ruby...
"We must get out of here. Call me paranoid but there is no way that he would have put us in the same room unless he was planning something." Durwin grabbed Duffie's arms and helped Defiant up. He ran to the window.
"Darn where is that Darth!?." He rushes to the door only to find Darth standing there with a new person.
"Darth! What are you doing just standing there?! C'mon we have to go!."

"Oh no you don't." A familiar voice said. Durwin turned around and inside the room stood the barkeep, eyes like white pools.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Where is it where is it I nee- Ah there good. Good got my Iron sword should be useful...but not against Herobrine I suppose. Balloon quickly sprints back to the forest and into the tavern almost knocked down by a jogging hippo following that Darth guy. Could this get any weirder I thought to myself? "Ok got my things Darwi- oh your awake I am Balloon and you may be? Also do you guys by any chance know a jogging Hippo I saw one following Darth?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"This is Marnix, he is here to help us out. Met him downstairs."
Darth started.
"I heard voices, so I wasn't sure if I should come-"
Darth stared at the barkeeper after his sudden exclamation.
"What's the matter with you?" he asked.

Darth felt a bit uncomfortable with the tone in the barkeep's voice, and his right hand strayed to his weapon once more.